Inspire Travelers with Trip Consideration, Facebook’s New Ad Feature

When planning a future trip, many people may have a beach getaway or hiking adventure in mind—but they still may be wondering where to go. With Trip Consideration, Facebook is giving travel advertisers the opportunity to help consumers answer that question.

Trip Consideration is a new pixel-enabled conversion event that allows travel advertisers to match people from Facebook’s database who have expressed interest in traveling. Advertisers will also be able to overlay their desired audience characteristics and present targeted ads to these individuals. Trip Consideration does not require dynamic ads to function, but it is designed to optimize any existing dynamic ads. To use this service, you must have a pixel implemented in your digital campaign.

With more than 68 percent of Millennials finding ideas for their most recent trip on Facebook, introducing this conversion objective made sense. Travel discovery and trip planning are already happening across other platforms, including Instagram, where 60 percent of Millennials draw trip inspiration. Facebook aims to give travel marketers a way to reach people who have already been struck by the vacation bug, allowing them to showcase deals and popular destinations.

So, how does Trip Consideration work? Take an example of a traveler who has demonstrated interest in a cruise by browsing travel-related pages. With Trip Consideration, advertisers can help the traveler find the services that meet his or her needs by promoting cruise packages or relevant deals. These helpful ads may encourage the traveler to finalize a booking.

Benefits of Trip Consideration

Trip Consideration is an upper funnel tool that doesn’t require live dynamic ads, which allows for seamless setup. Because the feature targets those who haven’t made any specific travel plans, the ads become static creatives. Advertisers can use photos of deals, promotions, or highlight certain destinations using static images, carousels, or single videos. They can also provide brand creatives to attract customers.

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