
Website Trends to Watch in 2025 and Beyond

What can we expect in the realm of high-end hotel website design for 2025 and beyond? Let’s explore five standout trends in the luxury hotel landscape

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From CRM to CDP: The Data Shift Hospitality Needs

A CDP can analyze guest behaviors, preferences, and booking history, enabling highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with individual guests

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laptop with a hotel website on the screen illustrating the power of website url customization

Quick Wins to Increase Holiday Bookings on Your Hotel Website

Personalizing the creative and offers on your website will further help your offer stand out and drive more bookings as well as ancillary spend

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mirai article image about dma impact and google losing nearly 1 percent of direct reservations

DMA Impact: Google Share Sinking as a Source of Reservations

Based on our ongoing analysis since DMA was rolled out, it is clear it is having a significant impact in the way users interact with hotels through Google

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Why Does Metasearch Marketing Matter for Independent Hotels?

If you’re not participating in metasearch, you’re offering guaranteed bookings to the OTAs, costing you money and future revenue opportunities

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The Importance of OTA Revenue Recovery to Maximize Profits

Without routine OTA revenue recovery audits, revenue leakage can accumulate unnoticed over time, potentially affecting a hotel’s overall profitability

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Booking Engines: The Good, Bad & Ugly

There are many Booking Engines , all with different functionalities and capabilities, and they fit into the categories of the good, the bad, and the ugly!

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Google Search Generative Experience and the potential impact on hotels interview YouTube Thumbnail image

Search Generative Experience and Potential Impact for Hotels

He outlines challenges and opportunities hoteliers face in a Google dominated landscape and the potential effects of Google Search Generative Experience

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man holding his head in his hands possibly reflecting a frustration with their hotel google ads not driving enough traffic and wondering how to fix it

Why Your Hotel’s Google Ads Aren’t Driving Enough Traffic

We’ll walk you through some of the common mistakes hotels make with Google Ads and give you actionable tips to turn your campaigns around

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Booking: The Gatekeeper That Won’t Let Go – What Can You Do!

Hotels should take advantage of recent developments by demanding compliance from Booking on price and guest data transparency

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