A hotel’s website has become a must for selling rooms online. It allows hoteliers to get direct bookings and to reduce the share of OTAs on their turnover.The final goal is to convince the traveler to book on your website and not elsewhere.

NB: This is an article from Cendyn, one of our Expert Partners

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That’s why, on your website, you must provide future customers with the most pleasant booking experience possible.

This is done by providing relevant information to the internet user on your hotel website. Find below some elements that will allow you to better sell your rooms on your site.

Connect a booking engine to your hotel website

To sell your rooms on your website, you must have a booking engine connected to it, that’s the mandatory technological solution to sell your rooms via your website.

Make sure that your booking engine is user-friendly and easy to use by your future customers. This system should allow travelers to book one or more rooms, and to check your availability and rates in real time.

One of the most important elements to sell your hotel rooms online is to choose a responsive and fast booking engine. In other words, a booking engine adaptable to all available digital media (computer, tablet, and mobile).

This is to ensure a comfortable browsing experience during the booking process of your potential customers. Indeed, the rise of mobile users accessing the internet (65% of the search traffic is now done on mobile) means having a booking engine that’s compatible with mobile devices is absolutely essential.

There are different booking engines on the market, it is up to you to choose the one that best suits your business and meets your needs to increase your direct bookings.

Add as much information as possible to your room pages

Make sure your rooms are attractively presented: it’s important to provide detailed descriptions, quality photos, and videos to show your rooms in their best light. Also make sure that information such as rates, amenities, and cancellation policies are easily accessible and clearly displayed.

On the room pages of your hotel website, we recommend adding as accurate a description as possible. For example, you can:

  • Indicate the number of people that can stay in the room or suite.
  • Add the surface area in m² the room has.
  • Mention a major asset that could push a web user to book your establishment’s room or suite.
  • All the information that makes your room unique should appear on your room pages. It is also important to make this information visible, even if it can be described from a photo.

Read the full article at Cendyn