
How to Use Booking Engine Data to Boost Bookings

Booking engine data lets you know the most popular rates and packages, which points to what your guests want and your own unique selling proposition

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Simple Way to Drive Revenue to Your Hotel Top and Bottom Line

Take your new found incremental revenue and calculate using the right multiplier how much you can borrow against your considerable additional equity

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4 Tips to Grow Direct Revenue With a Data Driven Culture

By fostering a data-driven culture you can improve hotel functions, connect effectively with guests and significantly improve your direct revenue streams

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From Reviews to Revenue: Using Social Media for Direct Bookings

From reviews to revenue, the journey to enhancing direct bookings lies in effectively utilizing guest reviews and social media

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Road to Hotel Profitability: Adopting Flow Through + Flex Metrics

Flow through and flex hold tremendous value as they encapsulate both top-line changes and the effectiveness of cost controls in safeguarding the bottom line

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looking at graphs through a magnifying glass asking how can a revenue manager become a revenue sleuth

Be a Revenue Sleuth and Unmask Revenue Maximization Tactics

The difference between a revenue manager and a revenue sleuth is more than just their focus; it’s their approach to maximizing value

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How Hotel eMail Marketing Can Increase Bookings & Revenue

The foundation of any successful email marketing campaign is a robust email list. Here’s how to build and maintain an effective list

Read more are one of many otas who charge hotels fees Fees: Insights and Hotel Best Practices

While the fees charged by OTAs like can take a chunk out of your bottom line, there are a few ways that you can effectively grow revenue

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the words online booking on a computer keyboard reflecting importance to hotels of their website to drive direct bookings and increase revenue

How to Generate More Direct Bookings and Boost Hotel Revenue

With the right strategies in place, hotels can effectively boost their direct bookings, enhance revenue streams and establish stronger guest relationships

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How to Attract More Guests to Increase Direct Bookings and Visibility

To fully grasp how to improve your hotel’s online reputation and increase direct bookings, it’s crucial to understand your guests booking journey

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