
graphic layout of a hotel website design having listened to users to enhance the experience

7 Design Trends to Convert Travelers on Your Website

Here are 7 design trends for 2024 that will give your website a boost and make it more attractive to Internet users

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booking.com are one of many otas who charge hotels fees

Booking Designated “Gatekeeper”; a New Era for European Hotels

The EC’s decision empowers hotels to connect with the right guests, drive guests to book direct, and grow loyalty and revenue with each guest

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woman looking at a website and mobile phone reflecting the need for hotels to transform their website into a room selling powerhouse

Transforming Your Hotel Website into a Room Selling Powerhouse

Make your website the pillar of your online marketing that sets you apart from your competitors to better sell your hotel directly

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two gauges showing comparative performance reflecting need for hotels to conduct an in depth analysis of their hotel website performance

How to Analyse Your Hotel’s Website Performance – In-Depth!

Your website is the pillar of your online marketing and sales strategy, and measuring its results is crucial to adjusting your online sales strategy

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person on a laptop with credit card possibly making direct bookings on a hotel website

Best Practices to Gain Bookings on Your Hotel Website

In an era where travelers increasingly rely on online platforms to make their travel arrangements, having a user-centered hotel website is paramount

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email icon an a mobile phone reflecting email deliverability and the impact of the new sending requirements

Impact If Hotels Do Not Follow New Email Sending Requirements

It’s tough to overstate how important these email practices are when it comes to giving marketing emails every chance of reaching recipients

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lady in a wheelchair looking at a laptop possibly an ada complaint hotel website

Elevate Customer Acquisition with ADA Compliant Booking Engine

Achieving ADA compliance isn’t just about avoiding legal complications – it’s also a smart business move to grow your brand and reach more potential guests

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hand on computer mouse overlayed with a dollar image reflecting importance for hotels to look beyond ROAS purely to measure the success of a marketing campaign

Hotels Shouldn’t Rely on ROAS to Measure Campaign Success

Maximizing ROAS while ignoring other metrics can lead to a marketing strategy overly focused on lower-funnel tactics at the expense of other audiences

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google browser on a laptop reflecting importance to hotels of understanding the google hotel ads bid update and how it will impact their campaigns

Google Hotel Ads Bid Strategies Update: Hotel Campaigns Impact?

With Google’s recent announcement about updates to its Hotel Ads bidding models, hoteliers face a pivotal moment in their metasearch advertising strategies

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funnel in a bottle reflecting the need to refine sem strategies for full funnel marketing

Market Trend: Refining SEM Strategies for Full-Funnel Marketing

A strong marketing strategy will align audience targets throughout the funnel to ensure each campaign is “feeding the funnel” with users that will convert

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