SEO Checklist for Small Hotels and B&Bs

Search engine optimization — or SEO — is critical to your overall online presence. With the best SEO practices, you can increase your hotels ranking on the search engine results page.

The point of all this is that you’ll receive more bookings as you earn higher rankings, because most people won’t scroll past the top results.

But you don’t need to hire a professional to implement the SEO strategy at your B&B. By following this checklist, you’ll be an SEO expert in no time at all.

Create a simple and modern website

You need to have a clean structure that makes it easy for users to get the information they need and ultimate book with you directly.

Hotels should make sure each page doesn’t take too long to load. The top search engines will dock your ranking for slow site speeds.

Optimize your site for mobile usage

The algorithms on many of the top search engines promote pages that have a responsive web design, or a design that automatically adjusts to the type of device being used while browsing.

You need a mobile-friendly website in order to earn one of the top spots on the search engine results page.

Insert relevant keywords into your content

You’ll want to use specific keywords that are unique to your B&B and also include the location of your property.

Keywords should be scattered throughout the content in a natural way, and should always be placed in the meta data.

Earn inbound links for your page

The more inbound links you earn across the web, the more credible your website will seem to the search engines.

Read rest of the article at Little Hotelier