How To Build Well Optimized Landing Pages to Increase Conversion Rates

Imagine that you’ve become aware of a sale on batteries at a new superstore in town. You arrive in this superstore to purchase those batteries, but there’s no sign; nothing telling you where to go, nothing even acknowledging that batteries are even in the store. And then, slowly but surely, you begin to consider that maybe your former battery supplier isn’t so bad, why not just go back? Surely the price difference is worth the time you will save.

This sense of unfamiliarity and confusion that is off-putting to the most interested of potential buyers isn’t limited to brick and mortar, it happens every day on websites too. Often times, when a business links users to their website homepage, they risk high bounce rates. Homepages aren’t enough, 96% of first-time site visitors aren’t ready to convert, they are interested in what you’ve offered them, but it takes some additional lifting to move them down the funnel.

This is where dedicated landing pages become exceedingly useful, they inform and persuade your site visitors to take specific desired actions. Staying true to the above analogy, consider how much easier it would be to walk in and have those batteries sitting at the register for you, correct price and all. This is what well-designed dedicated landing pages help accomplish.

They simplify the process of conversion for the user by eliminating excess noise, therefore leading to higher conversion rates. Want proof? PPC Hero conducted a study on the use of designated landing pages by A/B testing a homepage versus a designated landing page. They experienced a 131% lift in conversion rate and a 4.46% lift in revenue.

Now, these numbers can slide around depending on whether you are doing a lead generation or click through landing page and, of course, what industry you are in, but overall, the statistics lean towards overwhelming support for dedicated landing pages.

What is a landing page? A landing page is any webpage that your visitors arrive at after clicking on your advertisement, whether that’s social, display or even email.

Landing pages can be anything, a homepage, a lead gen page or even a booking link. However, a dedicated landing page is specifically dedicated to whatever promotion or information brought the visitor to your site.

For example, you are running a bed and breakfast package promotion, you have both social and display running for this promo. Visitors are interested and so they click through the ad, arriving at a specific page detailing the bed and breakfast package and including a “book now” link as the sole call to action. This user is moved down the funnel to conversion through the use of consistent messaging and imagery by way of a dedicated landing page.

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