programmatic code

Programmatic technology allows marketers to efficiently bid and place ads using data, enabling them to reach consumers with targeted messaging, on the right device, at the optimum moment of engagement.

It has evolved to become an all-encompassing marketing strategy with potential for use across the entire media and marketing mix.

With technology playing an ever-increasing role in the way consumers plan and book holidays – extending and complicating the customer journey significantly – programmatic should be a staple of travel marketing, but brands are a long way from channeling its true potential.

Travel marketers focus heavily on direct response campaigns, but they will benefit from broadening their programmatic strategies to make their advertising investments work harder.

So why is programmatic particularly suited to travel brands and what should marketers be focussing on when integrating it into their strategies?

Finding the right audience

Programmatic is centred around finding and reaching the right audience for targeted messaging, rather than using websites or ad placements as a proxy.

Travel brands have access to rich first-party customer data from multiple sources including ecommerce, site visitor, CRM, and loyalty scheme data. They can use a wide range of data points including destinations, trip purposes, holiday activities, accommodation types, travel companions, and booking and payment methods – alongside demographic data – to gain a deep understanding of their customers’ travel preferences.

This insight can be used to build detailed audience segments for highly specific programmatic targeting so messaging gets to the right place – increasing marketing efficiency.

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