Google hotel reviews are guest reviews left on your Google Business Profile, which appears in Google search results and Google Maps.

NB: This is an article from Little Hotelier, one of our Expert Partners

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These reviews are often the first impression potential guests get of your hotel, making them incredibly influential. They can cover everything from the quality of your rooms to the friendliness of your staff, and they’re a key factor in attracting new guests – or at least not deterring them!

Why are Google reviews crucial for hotels?

Google hotel reviews are a powerful tool for your business. Here’s why they matter:

  • Influence on guest decisions: Positive reviews can significantly influence a potential guest’s decision to book with you. People trust the opinions of others, especially when it comes to something as personal as choosing a place to stay.
  • Building trust and credibility: Consistent positive feedback builds trust with potential guests. It shows that you deliver on your promises, which can set you apart from the competition.
  • Impact on bookings: Google reviews can directly affect your occupancy rates. The more positive and recent your reviews, the more likely you are to attract bookings.

How to manage Google hotel reviews

Managing your Google hotel reviews effectively is essential for maintaining a strong online reputation. Here’s how you can do it:

Encouraging positive Google hotel reviews

Positive reviews can significantly enhance your hotel’s reputation, so it’s crucial to encourage guests to share their good experiences. Start by making the review process as simple as possible for your guests. After their stay, send a follow-up email thanking them for choosing your hotel and include a direct link to your Google Business Profile. In your message, kindly ask them to share their experience.

Personalise the request by mentioning specific aspects of their stay, such as their room or any services they particularly enjoyed, to make the review more relatable and encourage detailed feedback. You can also encourage reviews by displaying signage in common areas or placing a reminder card in guest rooms.

Responding to Google hotel reviews effectively

Responding to reviews is an opportunity to show all potential guests that you care about their experiences. When responding to reviews, timeliness is key—aim to reply within 24-48 hours. Your responses should always be polite, personal, and professional. Start by thanking the guest for their feedback, whether it’s positive or negative. Address any specific comments they’ve made, showing that you’ve carefully read their review and appreciate their input. For positive reviews, express your gratitude and let them know you hope to welcome them back in the future.

For negative reviews, acknowledge any issues raised and explain what steps you’ll take to address them. This demonstrates to both the reviewer and potential guests that you are committed to improving your service. Avoid getting defensive, even if the review feels unfair. Instead, maintain a calm and factual tone, and offer to continue the conversation offline if necessary.

Read the full article at Little Hotelier