Design tips for your hotel website: Make these features your main focus

Your website design plays an important role in the success of your online brand. It seems like there’s a never-ending stream of new features and resources that you can use in order to enhance your website design, but it’s important to know which are the most relevant and necessary for your hotel website.

A good hotel website design ensures that you can attract the attention of your target audience and ultimately convince them to book a room at your property. These website design tips for beginners can help you get started.

Why is good website design important?

Your hotel website design is the key to growing your hotel business and increasing your direct bookings. With an effective design that is optimised for mobile use, you will be able to provide potential travellers with the information they need, as well as an easy way to book directly through you.

Visual elements, powerful text and an online booking engine are necessary for any hotel website. In addition, your hotel website design can impact your overall rankings on the search engine results page.

Your site will need to incorporate these design tips for your hotel website in order to improve your rankings and increase your presence online.

How to get started with hotel website design if you’re a beginner:

  • Start by assessing the images and text that you use on your page
    You will want to include high-resolution images that are bright, vibrant and colourful. Images with people are sometimes the most powerful, but photos of your hotel property and the details that can be discovered there are essential as well. Text should be minimal but effective. Provide only the most relevant information, often highlighting packages and promotions.

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