How Do Guests Engage With Your Hotel Website? 8 Questions to Ask

Does the way guests find your hotel website matter? We’ve put together 8 questions to tell you where your guests come from, and how they behave once they’re on your hotel website.

These questions are for the hotel marketing experts and revenue managers ready to grow their hotels’ direct bookings.

Do users from organic search book more often than visitors from Facebook? How can you tell whether your mobile site is really driving bookings? When someone tries to book a room on your site, where do they encounter problems and abandon the booking?

When you know how guests find you, which touchpoints they find along the way, and which of your website’s pages are really helping – or really hurting – your direct booking rates, you can build a tailored book direct strategy.


1. Which source drives the most total revenue?
2. Which sources deliver your most valuable customers?

Examine total revenue, average booking value and revenue per user session by source. A source is simply where your visitor comes from. It might be a website name like Facebook, a search engine like Google, or even a tracked URL from your spring newsletter. It tells you the channel your guest came through to get to you.

The channels Google Analytics typically breaks your traffic down into are: organic search, direct, social, referral, display, email, and other. While it’s worth doing a bit of research into exactly what each channel means, just a 5 minute investigation can tell you a lot about which channels are most valuable for you.


3. Which device drives the most total revenue?
4. Which device delivers your most valuable customers?

Device simply refers to the tool your visitor is using to browse your hotel website, whether that’s a phone, tablet or desktop computer. It can tell you if your guests are converting more on desktop, and if your mobile site needs more work to bring in revenue.

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