Google Update Strengthens Case for Location Marketing

Advertising today is completely different than it has been at any point in history.

The reality of today’s digital style of advertising and marketing is that massive, groundbreaking changes are commonplace. It is not uncommon to completely overhaul your digital strategy after a Google update. Whereas in the past marketing was enhanced and/or changed only occasionally, based upon relatively infrequent technological innovations, the internet and technology of today are constantly evolving. Since I graduated and started in search marketing in July of 2012 there have been 53 updates to Google’s algorithm!

Recently, the most notable of the developments in AdWords was the changing of their ad format. Where they once showed 3 ads at the very top and 8 down the right hand column, there are now 4 ads ad the top with none on the side.

Since this change, many advertisers have seen their traffic drop, or their cost go up. With more competition vying for less space, how can one get that share of the market back? The answer for me has always laid with the extensions that AdWords offer, but now this is doubly true with the update to AdWords Location Marketing.

Research from Google suggests that 60% of customers will use the information contained in those extensions to contact your hotel. If your hotel makes use of the AdWords location extension, they can expect to see an increase in website visits by about 10. All of this by just adding 1 simple extension!

Google’s latest AdWords update, which once again directly relates to location marketing, isn’t overly complex; however, its effects in both the short and long term are notable.

Essentially, this update allows AdWords to carry over to local location searches. For instance, Google Maps was previously regarded as a service/branch of Google that was completely off-limits from advertisements from specific businesses and professionals; if an address or establishment was searched for, results came up in organic results, and that was it.

Now, when an individual searches Google Maps for a specific address or particular type of business, advertised businesses can appear, based upon not only the keyword which was searched or the keyword of the address that was searched, but the geographic location of the searcher as well.

Simply put, business owners who make use of Google’s AdWords location extensions can have their ad exposed to a number of local, interested, and viable potential customers by making this simple adjustment. This means that more impressions are much more likely to lead to additional business.

Now that the details of Google’s AdWords Location Marketing update have been covered, let’s take a look why you, as a hotelier, should make use of them.

Read rest of the article at: e-Marketing Associates