5 images of the same person reflecting generic approach of hotel websites and benefits of moving to dynamic content

Overrated and abused. But never put in practice. That’s what I think about the term personalisation in the context of Hospitality.

NB: This is an article from Direct Your Bookings

Because too many operators and hotel professionals have talked and keep talking about it, yet our industry still remains the global master of commoditisation. And here lies the problem in my opinion: we refer to personalisation only when it comes to deliver a good service to the in-house guests.

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In other words, we start personalising when the guest is already with us.

But can personalisation be used as a marketing weapon to turn prospects into guests?

The concept of Dynamic Content has been around for a few years now, yet it’s far from being the one thing hotel operators focus the most on.

And considering that nowadays dynamic-content tools cost little to nothing, it’s likely it’ll become the next buzzword in the context of marketing for hotels.

However at the present day there is still some confusion around dynamic content and how can hotels leverage this tool.

And so, in this article we’re going to see together 5 different ways hotel operators can use dynamic content, in order to provide their audiences with better contextualised information and turn more prospects into effective (direct) bookings.

New vs Repeating Users.

This is the easiest one.

In recent years we talked a lot about how the typical hotel funnel involves multiple user visits to our channels, being them our hotel website (mainly) and the social media channels.

Put another way, visitors likely visit a hotel site more than just once before turning into bookers.

A first time visitor is likely in “discovery” mode, whilst a returning user is probably closer to taking action, aka making a booking.

So why not adapting our messaging, pieces of our website content, to better reflect and offer what a new and a returning visitors are looking for respectively?

It can be some super simple like a Welcome message, as opposed to a Welcome-back message.

Read rest of the article at Direct Your Bookings