We are delighted to welcome Bookboost as an Expert Partner

Through the “Who Are We” interview we hear from Daan de Bruijn, co-founder of Bookboost, about their solution, geographical focus, typical client profile and their backstory.

Daan emphasizes the importance of a hotel-specific B2C marketing CRM for effective guest engagement and personalization, as opposed to a generic B2B sales CRM.

He talks about the emergence of the CDP, Customer Data Platform, and highlights their guest journey builder and unified inbox, both of which help create a seamless customer experience.

Really hope you enjoy the conversation

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Areas Touched On During This Conversation (Timeline Below)

  • Introduction and Company Overview
  • Company Growth and Team Structure
  • Solution and Technology
  • Personalization and Segmentation
  • Multi-Channel Communication and Unified Inbox
  • Differences Between Hotel-Specific and General CRMs
  • Unique Value Proposition

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00:00 Who Are We Video introduction
00:50 Guest Welcome and Company Intro
03:31 Geographical and Hotel Focus
06:09 Bookboost Solution
12:45 More than a CRM
17:15 B2C Marketing CRM vs B2B Sales CRM
22:10 The CDP (Customer Data Platform)
27:15 What is the reticent or objections from hotels
30:50 Summary thoughts
32:47 Further videos and subscription