In the dynamic world of hospitality, sales never sleep. Imagine a busy hotel sales office in the 1990s—isolated from revenue management and digital marketing. Each department operated in its own bubble, unaware of the bigger picture. This siloed approach often led to missed opportunities and inefficiencies.

NB: This is an article from LodgIQ, one of our Expert Partners

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Fast-forward to today, and the landscape is evolving rapidly. The once-isolated sales department is now becoming a key player in a unified commercial strategy, transforming how hotels operate and succeed.

From Silos to Synergy

Historically, hotel sales departments focused solely on filling rooms. They worked independently, disconnected from revenue management and marketing. This approach created inefficiencies, as each department pursued its goals without considering the overall impact on the hotel’s profitability.

Today, a unified commercial strategy brings these departments together, fostering collaboration and shared objectives. Sales, revenue management, and marketing now work in harmony, leveraging data and insights to drive overall hotel performance. This shift is not just a trend but a necessity in the competitive hospitality industry.

The Power of Integration

Gissell Moronta, SVP Sales and Marketing with Atrium Hospitality, shares a compelling narrative of this transformation. With nearly three decades of experience, Gissell witnessed the evolution firsthand. She recalls her early days in catering, where she had to prove the profitability of her events. This experience taught her the importance of understanding the bigger picture and aligning her efforts with the hotel’s overall goals.

Gissell emphasizes the need for sales teams to adapt and embrace a commercial mindset. She highlights the advancements in revenue management and digital marketing, noting how these disciplines have evolved and integrated analytics into their strategies. Sales, however, has lagged behind, often sticking to traditional methods.

Embracing the Commercial Mindset

For sales departments to thrive in this new landscape, they must adopt a commercial mindset. This means understanding not just the immediate sales targets but also the broader business objectives. Sales teams need to learn the intricacies of revenue management and digital marketing, becoming well-rounded professionals who can contribute to the hotel’s overall success.

Training and leadership play crucial roles in this transition. Leaders must foster an environment of continuous learning and collaboration. Small, focused training sessions can help sales teams grasp complex concepts and integrate them into their daily operations.


The shift from siloed departments to a unified commercial strategy is transforming the hospitality industry. Sales teams that embrace this change will not only survive but thrive. By understanding and aligning with the overall business goals, they can drive profitability and success in a competitive market. The future of hotel sales lies in breaking down silos and fostering a collaborative, commercial mindset.

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