On one hand, email marketing is by far the best performing marketing weapon in the hands of any hotel marketing manager (and not only in the hotel sector).
NB: This is an article from Direct Your Bookings
On the other hand though, before communicating, we need to collect the email address of those prospects and customers we will be communicating with. Thus, having people subscribing to our hotel newsletter becomes the 1st step of paramount importance. So, how do we entice hotel website visitors to leave their email address for receiving our messages?
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and stay up to date
And here lies the problem: hotel newsletter forms are some of the most boring, yawning and depressing lead magnets the world wide web has ever seen.
Let’s be honest: do you really think this is enticing?

Millions of billions of hotels in the world offering so-called exclusive special offers, that are nothing but the same-old-same-old:
- X% OFF
- Summer/Spring/Autumn/Winter escape
- Mother’s/Father’s/Valentine’s/Whatever-celebration’s Day special…
- Black Friday/Halloween/Xmas/NYE
Seriously, where is the deal?
In this article we’re going to see how to make a request to signup for a hotel newsletter more enticing, more exciting, and more importantly, more efficient for your hotel business, in 5 steps.
Let’s dig in.
Unspecial Specials?
The only exception is when one is (or is thinking of becoming) a return guest of a particular hotel: in this case, getting the hotel newsletter with the recurrent special offers may sound beneficial.
Other than that, tiny irrelevant differences among thousands of hotel newsletter forms make them look like the exact same thing.
Let’s see some other examples.
The simple one:
The completely useless/empty one:
One more:
When running into such hotel newsletter forms, I actually wonder what they are about and whether these hotels are really aiming for newsletter sign ups, or they just filled up some space on their hotel websites because, ultimately… everyone has a newsletter form, so why not?
Bad examples are all over the places. Much more difficult to find good ones.
How a Good Newsletter Form Looks Like.
For example, like this: