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NB: This is an article from ReviewPro

Many hotels collect and analyze data but not everyone knows how to use this insight to set goals and objectives for their team.

ReviewPro offers a wealth of data but to start we recommend focusing on a few key performance indicators (KPIs). Set realistic and attainable goals and involve all members of your team in the process.

1. Global Review Index™ (GRI)

The industry-standard Global Review Index™ (GRI) is an online reputation score available exclusively to ReviewPro clients, which is used by thousands of hotels worldwide as a benchmark for reputation management efforts.

The lower your GRI™, the easier it should be to increase it. For example, if your GRI™ is 60%, by identifying and acting on a few “quick wins” you might see a significant jump over a short period of time. If your current GRI™ is higher, say 71.1%, a reasonable goal might be to reach 75.0% within six months. And if your GRI™ is 90%, attaining even minor incremental improvements will be challenging—a good problem to have!

Note that you can record GRI™ goals and timelines on the Scoreboard page of the dashboard by clicking the “Goal” button. Once set, goals will show up in reports for easy reference.

2. Department Indexes

Department Indexes provide a deeper analysis of guest satisfaction across various areas of the hotel, allowing you to set review index goals by department. Note that some areas such as Cleanliness and Service are not single departments but “attributes” influenced by several departments.

As an example, if your current index rating for Cleanliness is 81.4%, your goal might be to reach 85.0% within six months. For other attributes such as Decoration and Room, significant improvement may not be possible without upgrades to facilities.

You can record Department Index goals and timelines on the Scoreboard page by clicking the “Goal” buttons. Once set, your goals will show up in reports for easy reference.

3. Competitive Set Ranking

In setting GRI™ and review volume goals, compare your hotel’s performance to competitors to determine which ranking you think is achievable. For example, if you currently rank #4 of 6 properties in GRI™, your goal might be to reach #2 within the next year. Note that this is a relative measure that will depend on competitor performance as well as your own performance.

4. Competitive Quality Index™ (CQI)

This highly useful metric enables you to determine your reputation goal relative to competitors. A CQI™ of 100 represents “fair market share” of guest satisfaction.

Your ability to achieve greater than fair market share will depend on a number of variables, including how ratings of your service, facilities and location compare to competitors. Pricing may also impact GRI™ depending on whether guests feel you offer good value.

Note that your CQI™ will increase only if your GRI™ increases faster than that of your comp sets’ average GRI™.

5. Group Rankings

If you are part of a chain, brand or ownership group and have opted for the Corporate or Plus versions of ReviewPro, you can compare GRI™ rankings to other properties within the groups you belong to.

In addition to the groups you specify, ReviewPro may also provide pre-defined groups such as four-star hotels in your region. When setting these goals consider how your property compares to other properties in the group.

For example, if your GRI™ currently ranks #20 of 22 properties, your goal might be to reach #14 within one year. Again, bear in mind that this ranking is partly dependent on the performance of other hotels in the group.

6. Review Volume

Since a higher volume of reviews can benefit visibility and rankings on review sites and search engines and can increase consumer confidence, you should also set a goal for review volume. Review volume is influenced by a number of variables, including number of rooms, occupancy, degree of guest satisfaction, and whether or not you solicit reviews.

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