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There is no one-size-fits all. Your hotel’s website serves the primary function of allowing customers to book rooms online with ease, but not all of your customers are so easily satisfied.

Every customer that visits your hotel website has a unique set of needs, and it is your job to ensure that your hotel’s website is prepared to satisfy customers with content relevant to their travel needs. SEO can help you point potential guests to the areas of your site that have what they need.

Identify your target customers. With an overall marketing strategy you have, undoubtedly, already created a mix of customer personas to help you plan your campaigns.

Segment mixes are unique to your hotel’s characteristics. Maybe you are a wine country hotel, in which case your segment mix will focus on adults, likely couples, that enjoy wine tasting.

Your website supports this market segment by not only satisfying the primary need of booking a room in wine country, but also surprising these customers with excellent and relevant content that enhances their experience in booking and researching the area. A healthy amount of regular keyword research and SEO-minded content will help you tap directly into the wine country-goers.

Maybe your hotel is located near a major convention center. Your customer base often includes business travelers or event-goers, but you are constantly competing with neighboring hotels for this particular segment. SEO can help your hotel rank for event listings or convention center information.

Your content is fine-tuned to be a useful tool for overnight guests that need quick facts about the center (e.g., directions, shuttle information, opening/closing times), and, even better, a section with content written about the event a particular guest is attending.

SEO and Marketing Segments: How do these work together?

Segments are nothing new and your hotel marketing team knows their customer profile like the back of their hands. Let’s get to the SEO layer of segment targeting that can help you climb the search engine results pages all of your different customers are viewing when shopping for rooms in your market.

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