Figures from Expedia show an increase in the number of overseas visitors searching for hotel stays in the UK.

The shopping data from May 2015 shows browsing figures from USA travellers looking to book UK hotels were up 35% on last year.

Germany showed an increase of around 20% while emerging markets such as South Korea, Brazil and China continue to show strong interest in booking UK hotels during August.

Shopper comparisons year-on-year reveal that browsing from South Korea jumped by more than 100%, with Brazil up around 30% and China 5%.

According to Expedia, American travellers spent £46 more per night on their room on average than domestic travellers and Brazilians spent £36 more per night on average.

American travellers also stayed almost a day longer in their UK hotel than the domestic traveller – 2.5 days compared with 1.6 days.

When it came to the booking window, Germans booked furthest in advance – 70 days ahead of their stay – and Americans almost 50 days ahead of their stay. The British domestic traveller booked only 26 days in advance.

Read full article at:  Travolution