
2024 Global Hotel Pricing Trends: Recovery Patterns and Analysis

As we look toward 2025, global pricing trends reveal a resilient industry, but one marked by stark regional differences

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How to Fill Your Hotel Rooms Fast: The Power of Last Minute Deals

By integrating last minute deals into your strategy, you’ll be better positioned to capture bookings from a significant portion of the market

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letters spelling out the word pricing highlighting the current strategy of dynamic pricing for hotels

How Can I Increase My ADR – Part Two (Dynamic Pricing)

A dynamic pricing strategy seems simple as a first pass but as with all things, once you dig deeper, it can have repercussions for all parts of your hotel

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How Attribute Based Shopping Will Change Hotel Booking

If you’re a hotelier that believes in Attribute Based Selling but doesn’t see what they can do today to prepare for the change, we have a recommendation

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Uncover Common Hotel Rate Parity Issues to Combat Disparity

One of the main causes of rate disparity occurs when OTAs and B2B partners, such as bed banks, resell your inventory to third-party platforms

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The GDS: Low Cancellation Rate and One of the Highest ADRs

How important is it to list on the GDS? And how well does the GDS perform compared to other distribution channels? NB: This is an article from D-Edge To better […]

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Best Practices to Determine Event Minimum Pricing

You want to be sure you’re offering event minimum pricing that’s beneficial for your hotel’s bottom line, but also makes sense for your customers

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Managing Hotel Packages: How to Craft the Perfect Offer

To who, when, and how your package is offered makes or breaks its. Offering it to everyone may seem great idea at first, but it can lead to missed revenue

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Hotel Forecasting and Why It Is Crucial to Your Success

By understanding the dynamics of accurate forecasting, hoteliers can implement more effective strategies, optimizing efficiency and maximizing profitability

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Hotel Shoulder Season: Tips to Maximize Hotel Performance

The shoulder season holds untapped potential for increasing occupancy, generating ancillary income, and maintaining brand presence before the next peak

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