Use Mobile to Connect with the Weekend Traveler

Mobile advertising’s advanced targeting capabilities can be used to engage a lucrative market: the weekend traveler.

The weekend getaway is cheaper, easier to plan and requires less time off than a traditional week-long trip. And since 41 percent of Americans reported using none of their vacation days in a recent survey by Skift, a travel industry platform, there is value in focusing on the short-term stay.

With mobile, brands can target based on location, time of day, behavioral profiles and even intent. They can reach prospects when a desire or need is top of mind. These four tactics will help marketers inspire the weekend traveler to take action.

1. Target transportation hubs

There is a reason why airports and train stations are plastered with advertisements for entertainment options, dining choices and hotels. These out-of-home marketers realize their message will be viewed by the right audience.

Plus, in many cases, the timing is also right. Travelers are in the appropriate state of mind to think about how they want to spend their time in this destination.

Mobile advertising allows you to recreate this tactic digitally. If you’ve traveled recently, you have probably noticed that the majority of people are looking down at their phones—not at the surrounding billboards.

Advertisers can identify people who have just arrived at an airport and serve them mobile ads for time-sensitive deals, such as last-minute hotel rooms or entertainment experiences.

Plus, with mobile advertising, the communication doesn’t have to end when the user leaves the station. Once that individual has been identified, you can serve him or her relevant messages in the future, too.

2. Use behavioral data

Inevitably, some people who walk past that airport billboard won’t care about the offering. Perhaps they are residents returning home, or they don’t fit the customer profile. With mobile targeting capabilities, you can target based on demographic factors such as age, income, profession and region.

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