five people holding question marks in front of their faces reflecting challenge of a hotel to find new customers

Waiting, passively, for potential customers to land on your hotel website so that they can see what you have to offer, but knowing that it may already be too late for you to make a difference because you’re competing with dozens of other hotels in your area?

NB: This is an article from Direct Your Bookings

Or actively going out in search of customers, showing up in front of travellers WAY before your competitors, thus raising your chances to be chosen. And so today’s we look at 5 ways through which you can find new potential customers for your hotel, building up advanced audiences either in Google or Facebook, or both that you can make use of at will.

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First, we should always tap into the real reasons as to why people travel.

And secondly, tapping into the reasons as to why people should say at our hotel.

And what if you find no reasons? Make them.

Can one’s birthday celebration become a reason to travel? Of course, thus it becomes a reason for us, hoteliers, to generate some hotel revenue and extra revenue.

Facebook is definitely the go-to channel as the level of detailed targeting you can reach with it, is nowhere else to be found.

You can easily target people who have an upcoming birthday in 7 days, or 30 days. Even better, you can target FRIENDS of people with upcoming birthdays in 7 or 30 days, and show up in front of them as if you, your hotel and your services as the perfect birthday gift.

Or again, you can target people with specific birthday milestones, like 18years, 30, 40 50. The choice is up to you and many other factors like how much budget you have, how big this audience is, and so forth.

Potentially, you can also use Facebook hidden interests to reach out to targets who are not necessarily included in the suggested option provided by Facebook, and see if you can find targets with clear intention that you can tap into.


Very similar to birthdays: can a specific anniversary milestone become a reason for travelling?

Wedding anniversary or any other relationship-anniversary, you can target all these people in a matter of a couple of clicks.

Potentially with audiences like Anniversaries and Birthdays you can start targeting people in your own area, proximity travellers, who maybe don’t have to go overseas to celebrate a friend’s or a relative’s anniversary.

Now, as said, reaching out to these audiences is relatively easy.

But the point is, it makes absolutely no sense to go out and reach them out by showing them super boring and yawning offer like “Book Now and get 10% off”, or “Early Booking Deal”, or “Book Direct with X% Off”.

If so, believe me, don’t even try, spare yourself some wasted time, energy and resources.

Specific targets = specific offers.

What can you offer to people celebrating a birthday or anniversary? Seriously, what’s your catch?

Or turn it the other way around, by seeing this with the eyes of your target: what can they get from you, so that when they see what you have, they say “oh, this is an interesting idea”.

Again, if you’re lazy, then be fully lazy, And don’t even start with such thing.

But hopefully, if you’ve made it to this point of this video, fortunately you’re not lazy. So let’s continue.

Read rest of the article at Direct Your Bookings