Hotels must personalise or risk perishing


Hotels must personalise service and retain the human touch when introducing cutting-edge technology, according to a new report from business advisory company Grant Thornton.

The power of personal: Hotels road map to 2020 highlights the need for hotels to harness the potential of big data in order to provide the personalisation that guests demand  in order to address the key challenges – such as the growth of sharing economy providers and the increasing influence of online travel agents – facing hotels today.

However, there is concern that hotels are cutting back on research and development in digital solutions. Grant Thornton’s International Business Report finds that just 10% of tourism companies globally plan to increase spend in this area in 2016.

Gillian Saunders, global leader for travel, tourism and leisure at Grant Thornton, warned that greater investment in technology and in training staff should be a priority for hotel staff if they are to keep pace with the disruptors who are a step ahead.

“Personalise or perish should be the mantra at the heart of hotel companies’ efforts to build their brands and lay platforms for long term-success,” she said. “Too many hoteliers are yet to fully embrace big data.

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