hotels content marketing

What are the most important factors for creating content that sells hotel rooms? What does “content” – that buzzword of all buzzwords – mean when it comes to hotels?

There are two main areas where content is important for hotels: firstly, the foundational content on your hotel website. Your website is your online ‘hub’. Reflect that with the effort you put into the writing and imagery. The better your website content (along with your website design, revenue strategy and marketing strategy), the more direct bookings you’ll get.

Secondly, content marketing. This can come in the form of articles, guides, even quizzes and playlists – the sky’s the limit! There’s a lot of buzz about content marketing in the hospitality industry. Most of it is even warranted. Content marketing is a great, cost-effective way to increase brand recognition, win over guests and drive direct bookings.

However, that doesn’t mean that all content is by definition worthwhile. It certainly doesn’t mean that all content will get you direct bookings.

Today, we’ll be talking primarily about content marketing.

We’ve picked out 6 of the most important characteristics of content that does well. We’re also going to give you lots of examples of great content. You can adapt these for your own hotel’s needs, take them as inspiration or just keep them in your back pocket for the future.

Read the 6 steps:

  1. It is not promotional

Promotional materials aren’t usually exciting or inspiring, both critical components of content marketing.

Good content inspires genuine interest, social sharing, and brings people back to you. How? It does one or more of the following: (Hannah Smith, Verve Search)

  • Creates a strong feeling in your audience: sadness, awe, excitement, hope, or even anger. If there’s no emotional component to content, it’s much more difficult to make your potential guests care.
  • Polarizes your audience: It’s important to keep this light – for example, does Bono deserve to be named Glamour’s Woman of the Year? What’s the ideal arrangement of pillows on hotel beds? None of these questions are important in the big picture, and differences of opinion only provoke faux-outrage. If you’re creating polarizing content for your audience, keep it light!
  • Makes us nostalgic: Nostalgic content is a hit song from the ‘80s, or the favourite brand of chocolate from your childhood. It allows us to “instantly connect to others who shared similar experiences,” says Hannah Smith.

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