Hotel Multichannel Digital Marketing

How do you engage today’s multi-device, multi-channel travel consumer and inspire a direct booking? This question fuels hotel marketers’ digital strategies and marketing dollars.

Yet, when navigating the constantly evolving digital landscape, building successful campaigns that reach customers throughout the booking funnel can be daunting without the right strategy.

Today’s travelers are digitally connected all over the world and inspired to take action—and the hotel brands that reach customers in intent-rich moments across devices will win the customer’s heart, mind, and ultimately the booking.

The average travel consumer journey takes about 17 days, and the average visitor goes through 8 research sessions, 18 site visits, and 6 clicks before making a booking (Google Research). Emarketer research shows that people go through 15.5 touch points just within the week before they actually make the booking.

Mobile has dramatically changed the way we live, and it’s forever changed how hotel brands connect and engage with potential guests. Mobile has transformed the consumer journey into thousands of real-time, intent-driven micro-moments. Each one is a critical opportunity for hotel brands to build a brand connection, influence intent, and be there for every step of the travel planning journey.

So what exactly does a successful multichannel campaign look like?

Recently we worked with two valued clients, Triumph Hotels and Hotel Pennsylvania, to craft creative, conversion-focused multichannel campaigns to increase direct revenue and position the brands as leaders within the hospitality digital marketing space and their own markets.

Triumph Hotels launched the “Cyber Monday ‘Count Down to Your New York Dream’” campaign, and Hotel Pennsylvania launched the “‘Selfie in the City’ Cyber Monday” campaign. The campaigns exceeded all their goals, generated major ROIs, and were honored with Platinum Adrian Awards from the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) earlier this year.

From our experience working on successful hospitality multichannel campaigns that generate real results for our clients, we uncovered five fundamental secrets to ensure success in the highly complex and competitive travel landscape.

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