Hotels + OTAs: Love-Hate Relationship That Needs to Change
Since OTAs will continue to be a core part of travelers’ booking process, hotels are missing a trick if they consider them adversaries
Google Changes in the Wake of DMA and What They Tested
Returning to the “old ‘ten blue links’ didn’t last long and looks like a deliberate move to illustrate where hard-line interpretation of the DMA could lead

Expert Partner Hotel Success Stories – January 2025
Round up of Expert Partner Hotel Success Stories – Flyr for Hospitality, Cloudbeds, Atomize and SiteMinder
Booking.com’s New Review Scoring: What it Means for Hotels
Booking is introducing significant updates to its review scoring system, and this change marks a watershed moment for hotels
How to Stop OTAs Taking More Than Their Fair Share
Are you still overly reliant on OTAs like Booking.com, whose high costs and unpredictable policies might be eating into your bottom line?

The DMA Games Begin: Booking’s Response and Google’s Trial
Javier talks about the recent European Commission DMA compliance workshop, Booking’s response and Google’s trial search changes

How GDS can Drive Revenue and Unlock Corporate Travel
We look at how GDS can help you compete with industry giants, attract more corporate clients and turn off-peak seasons into revenue goldmines

Why The Digital Markets Act Interpretation is Causing Issues
Let me start by saying, in my humble opinion, the Digital Markets Act is needed and positive for the ecosystem. The difficulty stems from interpretation

Hotel Pricing & Distribution: Right Prices on the Right Channels
What are the pros and cons of different distribution channels? How can you stand out? Here are the essentials of hotel distribution and pricing
Hotel Distribution Channels: What Are They? Why Do They Matter?
A strong hotel distribution strategy is dependent on a number of key ingredients – understanding your audience, channel selection,