fine tune social media strategies

A surprising number of luxury hotels and hospitality brands have put stock into accounts on Google+, but the effort is proving fruitless, as consumers are not interested, according to L.I.K.E. Hospitality Consulting.

While Google and hospitality marketers would like to believe that their presence on the social media platform is making a difference, unfortunately consumers just do not flock to the channel as much as others. Facebook and Instagram are proving to obtain the most engagement from consumers for luxury hotels, but many brands are spending budgets on platforms such as Google+ that are proving ineffective.

“Many brands waste time and money on unnecessary platforms, instead of focussing on the key players,” said Fritz Dickamp, managing director at L.I.K.E. Hospitality Consulting. “Google+ is one of the most used platforms across all brands, which does however not reflect the number of followers in all parts of the world. Hence brands on Google+ are neither positioning themselves strategically efficient, nor budgeting for social media appearance correctly.

“There is no social media strategy recognizable for most of the studied brands: it seems that some brands do not communicate well enough with their properties regarding the platforms to be present on, or to avoid,” he said. “This undoubtedly results in unnecessary budget spending on platforms that don’t generate a good enough ROI.”

Social media importance
Individual properties of luxury hotel brands use an average of 3.7 different social media platforms, but the number of properties from a brand does not reflect the number of followers it has. However, those with a smaller number of properties are able to better target their audience and be relevant on these platforms by sharing quality content.

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