email marketing

When considering your opportunities to reach and connect with consumers, the first challenge that almost every marketing manager faces is the overwhelming plethora of choice. With SEO, social media marketing, PPC and display advertising to name a few, how do you judge the value of one digital channel against another?

With marketers increasingly spending time deciphering new and innovative channels, it’s easy to neglect established channels in favour of the fresh and exciting. For this reason, this blog will focus on translating the three leading benefits of good-old fashioned email marketing to help you assess its current and future role in your marketing mix.

Have full control of your future

If you invest considerably in Google or Facebook, you need to be aware that traffic is not guaranteed in the future. Google rankings and Facebook newsfeed results are controlled by algorithms that are unpredictable and frequently change, having an adverse effect on the amount of traffic you achieve.

Instead, you can invest in something that you can have complete ownership and control over – your mailing list. In contrast to Google, should you ever feel disappointed with the service or any changes made by your email provider, you can simply export your list and move on. The ability to completely control the reach of your marketing is not something to be taken for granted.

Generate revenue automatically

Here’s a little secret about email marketing that not many people realise – it saves time and money. Imagine a user shows interest in one of your products and opts into your email list, you’ve made a good start. Using pre-written emails, you can then follow-up with customers automatically using ESPs like Mailchimp. These providers give you the ability to send batches of emails and ‘strike while the iron’s hot’ in order to remain front-of-mind and nurture prospects into paying customers. This system then frees you up to work on other important things.

Read rest of the article at The Drum