
Golden Opportunities: Using Social Media to Market Your Hotel

Don’t forget what social media was initially invented for – to be social! It allows your brand to create an interactive community while building reputation

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How Google Consent Mode V2 Will Impact Hotel Website Traffic In EEA

For hotels to continue tracking guest behaviour on their website and booking engine, hotels will be required to switch on Google Consent Mode

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How 6 Current Social Media Trends Could Reshape Hotel Strategies

We’re exploring the current social media trends for hoteliers in 2024 – from short-form videos to branded DMs – that can give you a competitive edge

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word strategy writing on paper illustrating the need for hotels to create their hotel digital marketing strategy before jumping into tactics

Create Your Digital Marketing Strategy Before Jumping Into Tactics

As a leadership team, you should go through a 30-point checklist audit to try to find your gaps to help lead your hotel’s digital marketing strategy

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Google Pauses Low Activity Ad Groups: What Hotels Need to Know

For hotel marketers, this update is a wake-up call to review and refine your Google Ads strategy. Here’s why it’s important

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10 Ways to Engage Your Followers on Instagram

Instagram’s Hidden Formula: Top Tips for Ranking Success

Summer last year the head of Instagram shared the first insight into how the various algorithms actually works. We’ve unraveled the intricacies

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Top Hotel Marketing Myths Debunked

Marketing for hotels is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and assuming that “anyone can do it” oversimplifies the complexities involved

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broken piggy bank reflecting hotels need to evaluate their metasearch budgets as a response to google removing cpa bidding

Rethinking Metasearch Budgets After Google Removes CPA Bidding

Hoteliers might consider funds that were previously allocated to areas with low return which could be redirected towards high return metasearch advertising

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6 SEO Tips for Hotels & Trends to Follow in 2024

Incorporating the seo trends outlined will position your hotel website in good standing to reach your digital marketing goals

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hand on computer mouse overlayed with a dollar image reflecting importance for hotels of using paid search to build awareness

Hotels Shouldn’t Rely on ROAS to Measure Campaign Success

Maximizing ROAS while ignoring other metrics can lead to a marketing strategy overly focused on lower-funnel tactics at the expense of other audiences

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