The Top 5 Things You Need to Know Now in Hotel Digital Marketing

This month, the industry is abuzz about new Google AMP updates, consumers gaining the ability to mute retargeting ads on the Google Display Network, and ensuring that display campaigns meet the requirements of the Coalition for Better Ads to avoid being blocked in the Google Chrome browser.  From SEO to design, read on to learn the top five things you need to know now in hotel digital marketing and stay informed.

  1. SEO: New Features for AMP Pages including AMP Stories and AMP for Email.

While last month it was the Google Speed Update making headlines, in February it’s important to also ensure your mobile strategy is ready for the latest in Google AMP updates including the release of AMP Stories and AMP for Email. AMP Stories are a visually rich content format designed to provide new storytelling options for brands on the mobile web very similar to Instagram Stories or Snapchat, while AMP for Email delivers the Accelerated Mobile Pages experience to users’ inbox for more interactive and engaging email experiences within Gmail.

Google AMP for Email allows email content to update in real-time, and allows recipients to browse and interact with an email, such as RSVP to an event or schedule a meeting without ever having to leave Gmail. HEBS Digital is currently working on developing strategies to best utilize these new features including ways to better feature visually engaging destination and hotel content through AMP Stories and more.

And last but not least, don’t forget Google has updated its AMP schema to require larger images in markup. Previously, the minimum requirement for image sizes was 696 pixels wide and 300,000 pixels in total, but now it is a larger image size featuring 1,200 pixels wide and 800,000 pixels in total. To maximize visibility of your Google AMP pages, and be ready for your close up in the top stories carousel, be sure to update all of your image sizes to these new requirements.  All HEBS Digital clients’ AMP pages will automatically be updated with these new requirements.

  1. SEM: Google announces the ability for consumers to mute retargeting ads.

There is a new section in the Ads Settings area of a user’s Google account that lets Google account holders see and control their data and privacy settings, called “Your Reminder Ads.” From the “Your Reminder Ads” section, users will be able to see the companies that are currently remarketing to them through the Google Display Network and opt to mute each company across devices. This new feature is currently rolling out for Google Display Network ads on the web and in applications and will expand to YouTube, Search, and Gmail in the coming months.

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