A Masterclass in Lookalike & Similar Audiences Marketing

Similar Audience and Lookalike Marketing on AdWords and Facebook is all about expanding your audience and bringing in new customers who are not aware of your brand, but meet similar characteristics and behaviours to those who are, giving you a better chance of reaching quality users through a prospecting campaign.

It’s no secret that remarketing campaigns are the most valuable to your hotel when it comes to seeing direct conversions coming in. Despite that, it simply isn’t enough to stick with who you know and who knows you.

Brand awareness should be a key component of any well-rounded marketing strategy. The problem is, brand awareness audiences can be huge and lack the refinement that makes remarketing audiences so valuable. That’s where similar audience and lookalike marketing comes in.

Similar Audiences on AdWords

Similar audiences targeting is a Google AdWords feature that enables you to create audiences based on your remarketing lists. These are lists of people, collected through cookies and tracking codes, that have engaged with your website. The Similar audiences targeting will help you find new users who have not engaged with your website and may not be aware of your brand, but share characteristics with those who have.

Who Will It Target?

This new audience will have interests and behaviours that are similar to those of your remarketing audience, which allows you to reach new users who are most likely to be interested in your product.

What Are The Benefits?

  1. Instead of running a blind prospecting campaign, targeting everyone who is unfamiliar with your brand, you can narrow down the list into a more refined and specific pool of potential new customers.
  2. Your similar audience’s database can be narrowed down further to create a group from a small fraction of your remarketing audiences, to improve your targeting. For example, instead of targeting people who are like anyone who has visited your website, you can narrow this down to only people who are comparable to those who have booked, or who have visited specific pages on your site.

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