mobile technology guest experience

Technology, namely our smartphones, have become an extension of our lives, we use our mobile phones to do just about everything; having the world at your fingertips is really all it’s cracked up to be, so it comes as no surprise that 90% of US travelers use their phones while they travel, according to TripAdvisor.

With so many travelers on their phones, there’s a lot of value your property can bring to the guest experience. There are a number of useful ways to interact with your customers when they’re on and off your property. Here are just a few ways you can get the most out of mobile technology.

Your Website

In 2016, most people want to talk about how apps are the go-to solution for your property. While a mobile app isn’t a bad idea, it’s unlikely that the first interaction a guest will have with your property is through a proprietary app. Instead, your website is where most people will go to by default to find information like your phone number, address, and other information.

That’s why we highly suggest having a mobile-optimized website and testing every page on multiple devices. Not only does Google penalize non-mobile websites, it provides a bad guest experience. You can almost bet that people who access your website while already traveling are doing so on a smartphone.

Your website is also a great place to include information about local restaurants, attractions, and events. Your front desk staff and concierge can direct your guests to your website to access this helpful information. The first step to creating a useful onsite experience through mobile is pretty basic in terms of mobile, get your website mobile optimized and add some great content.

Instant Messaging

Today, most people would rather text than pick up a phone to ask a simple question or address an issue. Most hotels only offer an in-room phone to contact the front desk or order room service. Technology can now empower your employees to provide an extra level of service.

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