7 Tactics to Increase Engagement Across Your Social Media Channels

How do you measure social media success? Which metric is even more important than how many likes your Facebook Page has or how many followers your Twitter or Instagram accounts boast? Engagement! After all, what good are thousands and thousands of followers if they are not reacting to your content?

Quality over quantity is an important rule to follow in social media. It is far better to have a few engaged followers than thousands of followers who do not care about the content you are publishing on a day to day basis. The same can be said in regards to content. It is more beneficial to publish useful, relevant content than to stretch for topics that don’t fit in with your hotel’s unique voice or to play off of trends that are irrelevant to your overall strategy or brand.

While social media marketers preach the importance of relevancy, engagement, and quality, brands often feel like they are drowning in Newsfeeds. Pushed out by algorithms and users’ family and friends, as a brand, competing for a like, Retweet, or share can be a challenge. Rival your competition by employing these seven tactics that are sure to amp up engagement across your social media accounts.

#1: Take time to optimize the content you are publishing.

Blurry photo? Scroll past. Spelling and grammar errors? Scroll past. Text overlay getting cut off on your image? Scroll past. A tweet that was clearly pushed out automatically from a Facebook post? Scroll past.

It takes less than 50 milliseconds to form a first impression. Unoptimized content is lazy, ineffective, and will no doubt fall victim to the scroll past. Taking the time to fully optimize your content for the channel it is being published on will make a huge difference in increasing engagement and getting users to perform your desired call-to-action – whether that is a like, share, or a click through to your website.

Pushing out a non-optimized post is a missed opportunity, especially when “the fastest growing channels are visually based.” Whenever you are adding rich media to your post (and you always should be), apply these key optimization tips:

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