egg painted yellow with a smiling face reflecting a happy hotel that has increased direct bookings at Easter

Easter might not be up there with Christmas, Thanksgiving or Chinese New Year in terms of leisure travel but it’s still an important revenue opportunity for hotels.

NB: This is an article from Triptease

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For example, over 11 million people planned an overnight trip in the UK alone over Easter 2024.

In this blog we’ve highlighted five top website messaging tips that helped Triptease customers fight off competitors and OTAs to win direct bookings over Easter 2024. And this is just a taste of the personalization strategies hoteliers around the world are successfully employing throughout the year to give themselves a competitive advantage.

1. Create memorable first impressions

Breaking the standard browsing experience creates a memorable moment that captures attention immediately – essential for announcing special Easter packages.

One UK and Ireland hotel group drove bookings around the Easter holidays by promoting their special 10% spring offer through a full-screen welcome message, shown when people landed on their site.

The use of vibrant, spring-like colours created a stand-out experience the moment a visitor arrived. This message helped generate 915 bookings that delivered $384,756.24 in revenue.

Screenshot 2025-03-18 at 12.02.25


2. Win over wavering visitors

Sometimes once isn’t enough. The same hotel group also used messages to win over wavering visitors by repeating the offer when necessary. Triptease’s sophisticated targeting capability identified visitors showing ‘exit intent’ – i.e. they were likely to leave without booking – so that the Full Screen message could be triggered a second time, reinforcing the great deal on offer.

This reminder really did the trick: it helped to generate 317 bookings and $130,724.89 in revenue.

Another example from a different hotel group strikes the balance between information and persuasion perfectly.

Imagine a guest is about to exit your website – you’ve only got a few more seconds to convince them to stay. The bold “SPRING OFFER” headline with a clear value proposition (15% discount) is immediately visible. This is followed by specific details about the offer, including booking deadline and stay dates, which means that guests can instantly make an informed decision about the offer.

Screenshot 2025-03-18 at 12.06.03


3. Drive booking urgency

The natural deadlines holiday periods provide are a great way to generate urgency among potential bookers. Countdown timers proved particularly effective for Triptease users around Easter 2024, with one casino hotel generating $129,898.29 in revenue by highlighting the deadline for their Spring special offer.

Read the full article at Triptease