Let’s face it, before HotelTonight and chums came along the big boys of online travel had probably never even considered carving out a niche for last-minute online hotel booking.

Or if they had, they dismissed it pretty quickly.

But it’s now five years since HotelTonight CEO Sam Shank created the company out of his existing DealBase business, and much of the industry has caught up.

Yet it’s only now that Priceline has made a big, indeed Priceline-esque, effort to seize on the idea that countless travellers are willing to wait until the last minute to book their accommodation, or suddenly find themselves without somewhere to sleep.

The company unveiled its Tonight-Only search service last week for mobile devices.

Alongside the obvious hullabaloo associated with a big launch, Priceline has circulated the results of a study it did with travellers to understand more about the late hotel online booking marketplace.

The results from 1,000, US-based adult travellers are pretty interesting…

Click to read full article and results at: Tnooz