
Hotel Digital Marketing: Where Does Mid and Upper Funnel Fit In?
In the previous video we took a closer look at the lower funnel, in this third video we look into both the Middle and Upper Funnel

Hotel Digital Marketing Lower Funnel: What Is It and Why Important?
What is the lower funnel, where does it fit into hotel marketing activities and why is it (possibly) the most effective use of digital marketing investment

You Might Have Built It, But Will They Book? Digital Marketing 101
You have a hotel, you have a website but does anyone know about it beyond your listing on OTAs, this is where Digital Marketing comes in

Parity is Over: Define New Pricing Strategy with Booking and Expedia
Inventory and rate parity is no longer a valid strategy. Parity sounds like a 90’s concept. It is the time to redefine a new relationship with the OTAs

Booking.com’s Shift to Merchant Model and How Hotels Can Compete
The first decision hotels should make is withdrawing from the “Payments by Booking.com” program. Our bet, however, is Booking will make it mandatory

Three Hurdles to Direct Sales
Reducing or simply eliminating these hurdles should be your number one priority, as it will increase the volume and profitability of your direct sales

Understand And Make The Most of Your Demand Data
When analysing direct sales, don’t overlook the booking request data you receive, both the total requests and the requests you’re unable to fulfil

Bing Hotel Price Ads, a New Showcase for Your Direct Sales
Bing Hotel Price Ads is an opportunity to recover sales from customers who are searching for you but end up with the OTAs because they bid on your name

Why Setting a Fixed Budget for Paid Campaigns is Damaging
In the hands of the right professionals, paid campaigns are a valuable resource that can be optimised to return a much higher ROAS than other channels

Trivago Improves CPA With Cancellations Taken Into Account (Net CPA)
trivago is transforming its Gross CPA model to a Net CPA model for independent hotels, which will take cancellations into account when charging commissions