
space man above the earth reflecting evolving world of travel and the role technology has played

Technology and Tourism: A Journey Through the Centuries

If we analyze human behaviour regarding travel from a historical point of view, we see travel and hospitality have always been closely related to technology

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black board with chalk writing including the phrase customer loyalty

Loyalty Benefits in More Ways Beyond Net ADR

But beyond a mere net ADR analysis, loyalty adds many other advantages that positively impact your bottom line but are more difficult to trace

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person writing on a diary in the month of november possibly a hotel marketeer mapping our black friday plans

Two Weeks Until Black Friday: 5 Strategies to Boost Direct Sales

Black Friday is just around the corner! Don’t let the OTAs be the only ones to take advantage of it! Here are our recommendations for success

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dials on a car showing speed and revs reflecting importance for a hotel to understand how to measure the performance of their direct channel

Measuring the Performance of Your Direct Channel

Wrong decisions are made when hotels consider “share of direct channel out of the total revenue” as the only KPI to understand how the channel is doing

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booking.com are one of many otas who charge hotels fees

Booking.com: Once Again the OTA Wins and You Lose

Two of these confusing visibility boosters are the “free room upgrade” and “free breakfast” by Booking.com. Do you know how they work?

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image with ice berg reflecting the potential impacts of ignoring your hotel price competitiveness in discussion with pablo sanchez of mirai

The Potential Impacts of Ignoring Your Hotel Price Competitiveness

In this discussion we change tack a little and look at possible medium to long term implications of not addressing your hotel price competitiveness

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How controlling your hotel pricing could increase bookings by 34% mirai video discussion thumbnail

How Controlling Your Hotel Pricing Could Increase Bookings by 34%

Pablo outlines concisely, how losing control of your pricing could mean hoteliers missing out on a potential 34% increase in bookings

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a see saw with loyalty and hotel adr on either side reflecting the imbalance between the two

No, Loyalty Does Not Increase ADR, But It’s Still Worth It

Why would you expect your discount-based loyalty program to increase your ADR? It’s counter intuitive and mathematically impossible

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lego character looking in panic reflecting how a hoteliers should be concerned about the new digital markets act

Reasons To Be Concerned About New Digital Markets Act

We aim to provide valuable insights into what the new Digital Markets Act means to hoteliers and its possible implications

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google written on a laptop key reflecting the potential impact of google killing off metasearch bidding cpa

5 Tools in Your Hotel Google Profile to Increase Your Direct Sales

This article explains a number of different tools available to you through your hotel’s profile in Google Hotels that you probably haven’t heard about

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