
Why Email Marketing is Needed in the Hotel Business

In this article, you will learn about email marketing, how to get started, how to increase growth and revenue using email marketing

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7 Steps To Building Your Hotel Email Marketing Strategy

While email is a simple tool, there are a number of requirements to fulfil if you want your email campaigns to be successful. Here are the general steps:

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Hoteliers, Improve Conversions With Email Marketing

What is great about email marketing is that it is a medium you own and have full control over. Create data-driven email campaigns and capture higher ROI

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4 Reasons Email Marketing is Crucial

If you want to get the most out of your email marketing efforts, you must take a comprehensive approach to develop the best email marketing techniques

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What To Include In Your Hotel Pre-Arrival Email

A hotel pre-arrival email offers a fantastic chance to drive incremental revenue. Unfortunately, many hotels overlook these benefits

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Automate Repeat Guest Welcome Letters via Email Marketing

Switching up your welcome emails to acknowledge and reward repeat guests is an essential way to boost loyalty and delight guests

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Hotel Email Marketing – How and Why to Get Started Now

From saving distribution costs to growing brand awareness and scaling your outreach to new and repeat guests, discover the benefits of email marketing

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4 Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns Every Hotel Can Do

Every email interaction should aim of gain repeat bookings, brand advocates for your hotel and a reputation for being a trustworthy destination

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Optimised Mobile Strategy Key to Increase Hotel Direct Bookings

The world is not going mobile. It already is mobile. You can tap into this behavioural pattern to drive direct bookings and boost your ancillary revenue

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How to Write Impactful Hotel Welcome Emails

There are at least 15 triggered emails your hotel should be sending to your guests before, during, and after their stay

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