
4 Effective Ways To Use Pre-Arrival Email Marketing

Delivering bespoke, well thought out email messaging throughout the whole booking and stay, will turn a guest into an advocate. And deliver more revenue.

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man staring at a computer screen possibly reading an email before booking a hotel

Email Ideas That Turn Lookers Into Bookers

With recent privacy changes affecting targeted ads, the importance of email marketing is poised to increase even further

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privacy protection is impacting email marketing

How Privacy Protection is Changing Email Marketing

With third-party data and many traditional email metrics gone for good, this first-party data is going to be vital to the success of marketing efforts

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How to Structure a Drip Campaign for Guest Nurturing

Planning, producing, and testing a drip campaign can be a bit tedious on the front end, but done well, they can help turn a casual guest into repeat ones

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Hotel Email Insights: 3 Tests To Run Right Now and 3 Pitfalls To Avoid

If your email is converting well, there is always room for improvement. Here we review three email tests you can run right now as well as some improvements

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How to Get an Effective Hotel Guest Engagement Strategy

If you want to stand out in the mind of your guest and create loyalty, personalising their journey and showing you care about pleasing them is the solution

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envelope and email icon reflecting value of email marketing campaigns

The Importance of Cadence & Relevance in Hotel Email Marketing

Not only is email marketing cost-effective but it also provides one of the best ways to generate revenue by extending offers to customers

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The Different Types of Emails to Send to Your Guests

Emails to your guests should never be left to chance. Everything must be carefully considered when developing an efficient marketing strategy

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Email Marketing Still Dependable Marketing Route Despite Rise of Social

Despite the recent rise of social media and mobile technologies, email remains one of the most dependable marketing routes for hospitality businesses

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How Personalisation can Increase Your Revenue

Thinking about it, we are increasingly experiencing personalisation everyday from all kinds of brands we interact with – Spotify and Netflix, for example

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