
How Hotel eMail Marketing Can Increase Bookings & Revenue

The foundation of any successful email marketing campaign is a robust email list. Here’s how to build and maintain an effective list

Read more are one of many otas who charge hotels fees Fees: Insights and Hotel Best Practices

While the fees charged by OTAs like can take a chunk out of your bottom line, there are a few ways that you can effectively grow revenue

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the words online booking on a computer keyboard reflecting importance to hotels of their website to drive direct bookings and increase revenue

How to Generate More Direct Bookings and Boost Hotel Revenue

With the right strategies in place, hotels can effectively boost their direct bookings, enhance revenue streams and establish stronger guest relationships

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How to Attract More Guests to Increase Direct Bookings and Visibility

To fully grasp how to improve your hotel’s online reputation and increase direct bookings, it’s crucial to understand your guests booking journey

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Hotels Should Master Guest Experience Fundamentals First

While price and quality remain paramount in hotel choices, positive guest experience significantly influence booking decisions

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Beyond Booking: Future of Hotel PMS in an Omnichannel World

The evolution of the hotel PMS into an omnichannel powerhouse is not just an inevitable technological advancement; it’s a strategic imperative for growth

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Busting Today’s Hotel Distribution Myths

Hotel distribution is a multifaceted domain which presents significant opportunities for growth and revenue optimisation and remains underutilised

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How to Conduct a Displacement Analysis For Your Hotel

The key metric in such an analysis is displacement: the revenue potential lost – or displaced – by a hotel, incurs when accepting one booking over another

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Enhance Guest Experience and Boost Booking with Flexible Payment

The era of one-size-fits-all payment methods is fading. Hotel flexible payment options provide adaptable and diverse ways for guests to secure their room

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The Hidden Costs of Hotel Capacity Driven KPIs

Capacity-oriented KPIs have become the norm for performance evaluation in the hotel industry but this focus can lead to financial short-sightedness

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