
Drive More Bookings: Innovative Strategies for Hotel Landing Pages

By leveraging custom landing pages in conjunction with enhanced social media marketing posts, hotels can significantly increase booking conversion rates

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What It Really Takes To Book More Groups, Meetings and Events

If you want the same group business as everyone, do the same things everyone else does, and you will likely get exactly your fair share of the market

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two gauges showing comparative performance reflecting need for hotels to conduct an in depth analysis of their hotel website performance

How to Analyse Your Hotel’s Website Performance – In-Depth!

Your website is the pillar of your online marketing and sales strategy, and measuring its results is crucial to adjusting your online sales strategy

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How to Perfect Your Hotel’s Direct Booking Strategy

Elevating your hotel’s direct booking strategy is an ongoing process that demands attention to detail and an adaptive approach

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How To Optimize Metasearch Bids For Direct Bookings

Approaching metasearch with the expectation of stretching your budget across every aspect of your bid modifiers may not yield the desired results

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Best Practices for Ski Resorts During Shoulder Season

We explore how ski resorts can attract more business during this off-peak period, particularly for meetings and events

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percentages and arrows declining reflecting dma impact to hotels with a 30% reduction in clicks and bookings on google hotel ads

DMA Impact: 30% Drop in Google Hotel Ads Clicks & Bookings

The key impact of the DMA implementation is hotels have lost visibility, lost direct sales capacity, reduced profit and increased intermediary dependence

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calendar with pins and a date circled reflecting the importance to hotels of length of stay and some strategies they can use to improve it

Hotel Strategies: How to Improve Your Length of Stay

Length of Stay optimisation isn’t just a strategy; it’s a game changer for hotels looking to dominate the market. So, what are you waiting for

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Positioning Your Property for Shoulder Season Bookings

Shoulder season presents a prime opportunity to convince guests to visit at an off-peak time for fewer tourists, exciting experiences, and favorable rates

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person on a laptop with credit card possibly making direct bookings on a hotel website

Best Practices to Gain Bookings on Your Hotel Website

In an era where travelers increasingly rely on online platforms to make their travel arrangements, having a user-centered hotel website is paramount

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