Even though we’ve discussed ways to increase hotel revenue in previous posts, today we’re excited to share 8 innovative ideas for 2024 that will give your revenue a fresh boost. We all know that the hospitality game is constantly evolving, and to stay ahead, hotels need to embrace innovative strategies.

NB: This is an article from Chatlyn, one of our Expert Partners

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Whether it’s through enhancing guest communication or offering unique experiences, boosting your hotel’s revenue has never been more achievable. Here are the eight ideas to get those creative juices flowing  — and how a hotel guest engagement platform can help you execute them effortlessly.

Leverage Personalized Guest Messaging

Gone are the days of generic emails. Today, it’s all about immediate, personal connections. Using platforms like WhatsApp, hotels can send tailored messages directly to guests’ smartphones. An omnichannel inbox could make managing these social channel interactions seamless, ensuring every guest feels special and valued.

Personalized communication isn’t just about addressing guests by their names. It’s about understanding their preferences, previous stays, and special occasions. For example, if a guest celebrated their anniversary at your hotel last year, sending a personalized message offering a special anniversary package this year can make them feel appreciated and valued. This level of personalization can significantly boost guest loyalty and increase the chances of repeat bookings.

Start Email Marketing with WhatsApp Newsletters

Traditional email marketing still has its place, BUT for a more immediate and engaging approach, consider WhatsApp newsletters. With a 98% open rate, compared to just 21% for emails, texting throught WhatsApp is a game-changer. This method not only has higher open rates but also feels more personal to the recipient. You could also automate and customize these newsletters, ensuring that each message is relevant to the guest (tools like chatlyn help you with that).

Imagine sending a WhatsApp newsletter that includes a welcome message the minute a guest books, followed by updates and personalized offers throughout their stay.

These newsletters can also include multimedia elements such as images, videos, and interactive buttons, enhancing the overall guest experience. By keeping guests informed and engaged in real-time, you can significantly boost engagement and drive more bookings.

Offer Exclusive Packages and Promotions

Create exclusive deals that cater to your guests’ interests and preferences. Think beyond the usual discounts – offer packages that include unique experiences like guided tours, cooking classes, or spa treatments. Platforms with marketing automation features allow you to send targeted promotions via WhatsApp, SMS, and social media, increasing your chances of booking conversions.

Read the full article at Chatlyn