IHG reservation system advances with direct business on roadmap

InterContinental Hotels Group is pinning a lot on its new Guest Reservation System.

GRS is being developed on a community model by Amadeus with IHG the first hotel company on board and therefore, the one currently in the driving seat.

That gives it, IHG claims, first move advantage in terms of the direction of development of the system.

During updates to press and the investor community this week, IHG chief executive Richard Solomans and chief commercial officer Keith Barr put a little more flesh on the bones of what GRS will do for the group.

At a high level, it’s hoped the system will increase revenue and provide IHG with access to more data as well as, improve and personalise the booking experience for customers and provide hotel owners with more flexibility around rates and ancillaries.

Also key is the system’s ability to be able to plug in other software and services such as revenue management and CRM tools with Barr saying GRS alongside IHG proprietary tools will be “transformational” over time in what it enables the group to do.

The reservation system will play a big part in IHG’s direct sales strategy with the technology enabling the hotels to offer different rates and products and services via different channels.

Barr says:

“The hotels will have the ability to only offer this functionality to guests who book direct, a far richer set of booking options. GRS will be an additional and significant driver of our direct strategy.”

The group has said it is already seeing success with its Your Rate strategy – the initiative gives loyalty members access to exclusive rates and benefits.

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