
Successful Outbound Sales Strategies for the Voice Channel

The main reason why outbound sales strategies matter for is simple: cold, hard cash. Simple practices can put more dollars straight into your hotel

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mirai article image about dma impact and google losing nearly 1 percent of direct reservations

DMA Impact: Google Share Sinking as a Source of Reservations

Based on our ongoing analysis since DMA was rolled out, it is clear it is having a significant impact in the way users interact with hotels through Google

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Hotel No-Shows: What Is It and Key Reduction Strategies

Let’s face it, no-shows are a real headache for the hospitality industry. Now let’s figure out how to deal with these pesky no-shows

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Making a Case for Investing in Your Hotel Reservation Sales Team

Independent hotels often face unique challenges. Chief among them is distribution. Without the brand recognition and resources of larger chains, independent hotels must find creative and effective ways to not […]

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hotel icons falling down and declining arrow reflecting the myth that low prices guarantee high occupancy in hotel revenue management

Low Prices Guarantee High Hotel Occupancy: Myth Debunking

Setting prices too low can have several detrimental effects on a hotel’s revenue, profitability, and overall brand perception

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How Small Hotels Can Capture Overflow From Big Events

Apart from leveraging local event data, small hotels can form strategic partnerships with event organizers, local CVBs, convention centers, partner hotels

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How to Use Booking Engine Data to Boost Bookings

Booking engine data lets you know the most popular rates and packages, which points to what your guests want and your own unique selling proposition

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Simple Way to Drive Revenue to Your Hotel Top and Bottom Line

Take your new found incremental revenue and calculate using the right multiplier how much you can borrow against your considerable additional equity

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The Hidden Costs of Hotel Capacity Driven KPIs

Capacity-oriented KPIs have become the norm for performance evaluation in the hotel industry but this focus can lead to financial short-sightedness

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How Hotel Marketing Drives Revenue Beyond the Reservation

If the question is how do we create more revenue, then marketing cannot be ignored when it is a crucial part of your revenue optimisation strategy

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