What drives guests to be promoters of your brand?

In previous research conducted, we’ve seen that the Net Promoter Score has a positive correlation to a hotel’s TripAdvisor rating. Of course, that makes sense, a positive review would hopefully tie in with someone willing to recommend your hotel to a friend or colleague but following from that, we decided to delve a bit further – what exactly is driving your guests to be promoters or detractors? Our analytics team looked into a huge number of responses and analyzed their outcome to find some fascinating conclusions.

First, how do we find out if a guest is a promoter, passive or a detractor?

Using the famous Net Promoter Score, hoteliers are able to ask guests “How likely are you to recommend [hotel name] to a friend or colleague?” guests can answer this question using an 11-point scale (0-10 – see below) and are then asked a follow-up question, depending on the score given:

If scored between 10-9:
“Thanks for your feedback, we’re glad to hear you’re happy! If you were recommending [hotel name] to a friend, what one reason would you give them?”

If scored between 8-7:
“If one aspect of your experience with [hotel name] could’ve been better, what would it be?”

If scored between 6-0:
“What was missing or disappointing in your experience with [hotel name]?”

guests net score promoter

Using the score and answers combined from over 5,000 responses, we were able to analyze every response and determine what factors impacted the scores that were given. These findings provide hotel managers with an understanding of the main reasons hotel guests recommend, stay passive, or recommend against staying at a property:

What do promoters look for?

Through an analysis of what guests have explicitly stated while completing their surveys, we were able to identify why guests might recommend a hotel and therefore become a promoter. We found the following:

  • Great location was confirmed as the top reason why guests would recommend a hotel.
  • Great staff was also identified as an important factor when recommending a hotel. Furthermore, both friendly and helpful stood out as ways that guests would determine if staff were ‘great’ or not.
  • Room cleanliness and comfort, or spaciousness stood out amongst promoters as an important factor in a promoter’s eyes.

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