Google Analytics: A Hotelier’s Guide

The ‘freemium’ web analytics service is the most widely-used of its kind in the world, and for good reason: it can give you almost any insight you need into the state of your online business.

NB: This is an article from TripTease

But we all know the challenges today’s hoteliers face. It can feel that you have to be everything at once – the perfect host, the tech genius, the marketing guru. For small hotels especially, taking the time to set up a web analytics platform is way, way down the priorities list.

But getting to grips with Google Analytics or a similar platform is a simple step that can reap enormous rewards. There are many guides, blog posts, and articles out there to walk you through the Google Analytics process. But very few of them are geared towards the unique needs of hotels, and contain advice that – while interesting – just isn’t relevant to the average hotelier.

So here it is: a shiny new Triptease guide to Google Analytics, written specifically for hoteliers.

We’ll take you through the 5 things you’re probably not doing yet in Google Analytics (and how to do them), break down the key pages you need for tracking and benchmarking your progress, and throw in a quick guide to Google’s A/B testing for good measure.

Let’s get started.

Five things you might not be doing yet – but should

Before you can even begin to analyze, filter, and segment your way to those golden nuggets of insight that Google Analytics can provide, you have to know that the data you’re looking at is correct. Because Google’s plug-in-and-go system is so deceptively simple to get started with, many businesses don’t stop to think about whether their data is accurate and reliable.

Since there are more pressing things on any hotelier’s plate than combing through an Analytics platform, we’ve put together a handy five-point guide that will help you check off the five key steps to clean and reliable data.

Get a copy of the free guide from TripTease here