google trips

Google has always been forward looking and innovative when it comes to helping travelers make planning a trip easier and hassle free. It implemented platforms like the Trip Planning search feature that was introduced earlier this year.

Google now has made it much less time consuming and stress free to plan your vacation with their latest Google Trips app. This app is designed to to take the stress out of planning an itinerary by providing travelers with easy access to information like things to do and see.

Planning a trip can be overwhelming to many travelers, especially if it’s a destination that is particularly foreign to them. In fact, a study from Goodthink has reported that 74% of travelers feel as though researching the details of a trip is the most stressful part of travel planning.

That said, most travelers will start their planning and research by doing a search on Google. They may look at at top 10 list of things to do on TripAdvisor or rely on reading online reviews from other travelers to get an idea of popular things to do in the area.

This way of doing research, however, may limit travelers on information about local things to do. Many millennials especially love to do local things as opposed to just visiting those  ‘touristy’ attractions. Finding hidden gems, like a mom and pop restaurant, is something that would interest many millennials because many of them are foodies and love taking unique adventures.

So let’s take a look at what features Google Trips provides modern day travelers. This app instantly allows users to plan each day of their trip and organize their flight and hotel reservations. In addition, it also offers editorial guides to over 200 cities and makes personalized suggestions based off of your Google history searches.

It also stores your travel plans offline, so you don’t have to worry about a lost internet connection or lost signal on the plane ride.

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