Importance of Reputation Management for Increasing Direct Bookings
Embrace the power of reputation management and watch your hotel thrive in the competitive hospitality industry
Best Practices for Managing Your Online Hotel Reviews
Hotels should enthusiastically encourage public reviews because most travelers won’t book without them. Don’t be afraid of negative feedback
How Net Promoter Score Can Drive Hotel Growth and Loyalty
Analyze Net Promoter Sscore together with other guest satisfaction metrics to get a complete picture and solve the root cause of your issues
How to Respond to Positive, Neutral and Negative Guest Reviews
How are you treating your cheerleaders? Guests who leave positive reviews are choosing to go that extra mile. It’s their way of saying “thank you”
Harnessing The Power Of Social Proof For Your Hotel Website
In today’s fiercely competitive digital landscape social proof can be your hotel’s saving grace, engaging online visitors and convert them to loyal guests
How Quickly Should I Respond to Reviews?
When guests leave reviews, responding promptly can lead to a quicker resolution for dissatisfied guests or solidify guest loyalty for satisfied travelers
Fake Hotel Reviews – What’s Being Done to Fight Review Fraud
Many hoteliers believe fake reviews are a serious problem, so much so that some have become dubious about the reliability of online review sites
How to Leverage Packages on Your Booking Engine
Well-crafted descriptions of your hotel packages can help differentiate you from competitors and persuade guests to choose your hotel over others
Listen, Analyze and Act Upon Guest Feedback to Optimize Experiences
Hotels need to double down on improving experiences at the individual guest level and at the systemic level to boost outcomes at scale
Creative Ways to Personalize Your Review Responses
When personalizing your review responses, ensure you supply additional information. The best way is by recognising specific aspects the writer spoke about