Proven Strategies to Increase Your Hotel Review Score
Implementing these strategies will help increase your hotel’s review score, which is crucial for attracting more guests and improving your online reputation
5 Tips To Get More Hotel Reviews
In the competitive landscape of the hotel industry, mastering the art of collecting online reviews is a strategic move that sets you apart from competition
Why You Should Respond to Every Positive Review
Think of responding to positive a review as an extension of the guest experience once the person has checked out of your property
The Disappointment Tax: Profits Can Pivot on Social Reviews
Because of the reach of these channels and the influence they have, negative ratings and reviews have a disastrous impact on a hotel’s financials
How Can Independent Hotels Boost Direct Bookings?
There are proven strategies that can empower independent hotels to enhance their online visibility, foster loyalty, and drive direct bookings
Google Hotel Reviews: Everything You Need to Know
We explore everything you need to know about Google hotel reviews and provide valuable insights to enhance your hotel’s reputation and attract more guests
Most Common Guest Complaints and How to Handle Them
The more prepared you are to handle guest complaints, the less likely negative experiences will damage your hotel reputation and guest reviews
Responding to Hotel Guest Reviews: How to Do It Right!
Responding to hotel guest reviews can be very time-consuming. There are a few tips to be as efficient as possible when dealing with this task
How To Turn Negative Hotel Reviews Into Positive Experiences
Negative hotel reviews need not be detrimental to your establishment’s reputation. Instead, they can be valuable opportunities for growth and improvement
How Guest Reviews Directly Affect the Hotel Revenue
A hotel’s reputation has major influence on revenue through effects on price perception of guests, as a customer loyalty measure, and a marketing factor