Pods & Vids

Are You Fenced In? What You Need Is A Corporate Rate Shopper!
Okay, so we’ve all heard of Rate Shoppers, but have you heard of a Rate Shopper for corporate rates? Keep listening to this discussion to hear more.

How To Apply Revenue Strategies To Your Direct Channel
We dive into the Revenue aspect of RevMarketing Automation and explore how revenue strategies can be applied directly to the hotel’s website

Hotel Consultants: Not Always the Seagull at the Picnic
Today we look at hotel consultancy and ask are they really the seagull at a picnic, i.e. they swoop in, make a mess and then leave … maybe a bit unfair!?

Discover The Most Profitable Rate For Your Rooms – For Free !!
Our localized demand predictor helps you identify fluctuations in demand before they happen, making it easy to choose the best rate

Winter Might Be Coming, But Spring Can Still Bloom for Hotels
We look at how global economic factors might influence different traveller attitudes and why hotels must revisit some basic revenue management principles

From Beonprice to BEONx: The Evolution and Journey Ahead
In this discussion we talk about the Beonprice brand evolution to BEONx, what BEONx is, sustainable profitability and digitalization

High Costs, Lower Profit and Staffing Issues: How Will Hotels Adapt
With the dichotomy of higher prices, increasing costs and the continuing staffing challenge we ask how might the hotel industry adapt over the coming years

Hotel Gig Economy Study 2022: Strategic Solution Partners
We catch up with Bill and Jacqueline a couple of weeks before they release their latest study into the gig economy and it’s relevance for the hotel sector

It’s Decision Intelligence, Not Business Intelligence, That Is Key
Apo defines decision intelligence; outlines how data is only valuable when organised, analysed and acted on; why forecasting is not a one snapshot task

Guest Stay Optimization (GSO): Battleground For Guests’ Hearts & Minds
Guest Stay Optimization (GSO). The entire guest journey isn’t just about their booking or even about their actual stay; there are many touchpoints